I was reading a recent Gallup poll that reports for the first time a majority of Americans think same sex marriage is acceptable. The report said, “For the first time in Gallup's tracking of the issue, a majority of Americans (53%) believe same-sex marriage should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages. The increase since last year came exclusively among political independents and Democrats. Republicans' views did not change.” If you want to read the article for yourself you can find it at, http://www.gallup.com/poll/147662/first-time-majority-americans-favor-legal-gay-marriage.aspx.
I will give more than one post to this issue for there are several things we need to consider concerning what is called same sex marriage. This first post will deal with the institution of marriage and how true marriage relates to the idea of same sex marriage. The first question we might want to consider is where did the social practice of marriage come from? Did some long ago generation just decide one day that it would be a good idea to pair up for life? Did some long ago civilization invent marriage and the following generations just thought it was a good idea so they followed along? The answer is marriage is a God given, God ordained institution. Marriage was not created by man, it was given to man by God for man’s benefit. Let’s consider for a moment God’s revelation of where marriage came from. When we go to the Bible, Genesis 2.18, we find one of the reasons God created us as male and female. God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2.18b). God stated clearly here that it was not good for Adam to be alone. God created the woman, Eve, to be a “help meet” for him (King James version). The literal rendering means a helper suitable for him. God made a women who was the perfect complement of Adam, a man. The two of them were made fully complete as man and women for the purposes for which God created them. May we all agree that had there been two men or two women in the beginning, they would not have been the perfect compliment for one another and none of us would be here.