Thursday, October 25, 2012

Are You A Good Example?

As Christians we spend a lot of time talking about being a witness to the lost world, and rightfully so.  One of the last things Jesus said before He ascended back to heaven was for His followers, His church, to make disciples throughout the whole world (Matthew 28.19-20).  However, I was thinking today about how we are witnesses to one another in the body of Christ.  The truth is, our witness in the body of Christ is just as important as our witness outside the body of Christ.  As a maturing and growing child of God you have the potential to be a tremendous example to other Christians of what it looks like to walk with Jesus in this life.  The apostle Paul said to the church at Corinth, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11.1).  What an amazing idea.  The church meeting together for worship, believers interacting with one another throughout the week, all the while sharpening one another with the example of their walk and obedience to Jesus.  Could it be that this is one of the reasons the writer to the Hebrews commanded us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Hebrews 10.25)?  Beloved child of God, what kind of example are you setting for others in the church?  Is your life a light that others might follow as they too learn to follow Jesus?