Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stressed Out!

    Sometimes the world feels like it presses in on us and we get stressed out.  There is the ever present tension of financial obligations, the mortgage or rent must be paid, the light bill, the phone bill, food, clothing, putting gas in the car.  Add to that the pressures of a job, children (small or grown), relationships, health needs, and it is easy to see how we might feel overwhelmed. What does the Bible say about our stress, anxiety, and worry?
   The good news is as a child of God the cares of this world need not stress us out.  The apostle Paul said, “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God” (Philippians 4.6).  “Be careful for nothing” literally means, “In nothing be anxious.”  The apostle Paul said we are not to worry or be stressed out over worldly things.  He is not saying we are to be careless about matters of life, he is simply saying there is no reason for us to be distracted from serving God and living a life that honors Him.  There is no reason for our peace in Christ to be sacrificed simply because life has its challenges.  Rather than be stressed out, we are to make it the habit of our lives to pray without ceasing, to speak every care to our heavenly Father as we move throughout the day.  In every matter, whether it be an emergency or a normal routine of life, we are to pray to our Father in heaven and ask His blessing in all things.  We are to commit our lives into the hands of the one who loves us and has promised to take care of our every need.  Notice how all our prayers are to be offered in an attitude of gratitude, we are to pray with a thankful heart.  God already knows what we need, however, we are to present it before Him in prayer as an expression of our faith and trust in Him.  What is the result of this kind of prayer life?  “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4.7).  The peace of Jesus sets us free from worry.  Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you (1 Peter 5.7).  May the peace we have in Jesus set you free today from the stress that so easily besets us all.

1 comment:

  1. Amen, God takes care of us as he does for all his creatures
