Not long ago I was talking with a man who said very candidly
that he did not believe in God. He
seemed almost proud to proclaim he was an atheist. In fact, he proclaimed his atheistic position
as if it were some indication that he was somehow enlightened to ultimate
reality. The sad truth is, this
particular gentleman labeled himself an atheist and there was not the slightest bit of evidence
that he really understood what atheism is all about. The following are some basic concepts and
thoughts concerning atheism and how the position is completely untenable when
examined in light of absolute truth.
and Bromiley (1999-2003) in The
Encyclopedia of Christianity provide a very helpful overview of
atheism. The Greek word, from which we
get our English word, is atheos which
simply means to question the dominate religion of the day and the god it
represents. In keeping with this line of
thought, we find there are various forms of atheism. First there is theoretical atheism where
someone theorizes there is no God. This
is usually the position of intellectuals who see the world as purely materialistic
or scientific. Secondly there is practical
atheism where one lives as if there is no God.
Practical atheism does not necessarily take the position that there is
literally no God, practical atheism simply lives and acts as if He is not
there. Thirdly there is programmatic
atheism which is militant against religion of all kinds. Programmatic atheism sees religion as bad for
humanity. Most people today who claim to
be atheists are either intellectuals who think they are too smart to believe in
God or they are practical atheists who don’t want to deal with the truth of God
because it would hinder or interfere with their sinful and otherwise rebellious
lifestyles. There are militant atheists
who abhor all forms of religion, however, that group is not as pervasive as the
first two. Does the Bible speak to
atheism? It sure does, let’s consider
some of what God has to say on the matter.
A denial of
God, either by intellectualism or by way of practice, is a choice of the human
will. By choice I mean there is evidence
which points to the reality of God and those who deny Him by intellect or
practice do so on purpose. The first and
most intuitive proof of God’s existence is creation and life itself. The apostle Paul said, “Because that which
may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things
of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the
things that are made, even his
eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse” (Romans
1.19-20). The intellectuals of academia
choose to deny God and therefore are forced to find some other explanation for
life (for example, evolution). To study
life and gain knowledge points a man toward God, not away from God. Both the intricacy and vastness of the
universe screams there is a God, just as the apostle Paul pointed out in the
passage above. To say there is no God is
a choice to rebel against overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Those who deny God because of a lifestyle
choice are guilty of the same rebellion, just from a different selfish motive.
The reason
atheist become so entrenched in their rejection of God is a direct result of
their refusal to embrace the level of truth given by God. In other words, there is a biblical principle
of light refused resulting in light lost.
Here is how the apostle Paul expressed it, “Because that, when they knew
God, they glorified him not as God,
neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish
heart was darkened. Professing
themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1.21-22, emphasis mine). Those who reject the level of revelation God
has given, i.e. creation, forfeit any further revelation or understanding of God. They actually become darkened in their thinking
and perception of God.
The truth
is, there is a God and every human being who has ever lived and who will ever
live on His planet is accountable to Him.
To deny God is like denying the law of gravity and jumping off a
building. Gravity cares not if we agree
that it exists, it will still take over and drag the jumper to the ground with a
thud. Likewise, a person who denies the
existence of God does not change the fact that God exists. Nor does a denial of God change the fact that
there is a judgment day coming when every lost man must stand before God and
give an account of his sin, even the atheist.
If you have made it your position in life to deny God, perhaps you might
reconsider your position. I assure you
there is a God and you will meet Him one day, ready or not!
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